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The Road to floradixie

By tom brewster

There are few things that occur in a flash that change our entire soul as a nation. One of those was the 9/11 attack on the World Trade center. In a surreal moment, even the least concerned about world affairs became totally irreversibly involved. Terrorism was instantly front and center to everyone around the globe. To some it was more personal. Many of whom lost loved ones in the inferno at ground zero, could not rid themselves of the need to "even the score".


The Road to Floradixie is traveled by a magnificent man of superior intellect and strength, one who became part of the secret organization borne out of the many survivors/relatives to "always remember". To fight terrorism in the shadows. Along come two old unsuspecting retired cops who wander into the secret war. Completely out of their element, ill-equipped for little more than a fishing trip, they embark on a path that ultimately destroys a sinister plot to kill every tourist on Hollywood Beach, Florida. The battle culminates at the Floradixie truck stop, the bloodshed second only to loss of life since 9/11.

  • Paperback: 246 pages

  • Publisher: Beacon Publishing Group 

  • Language: English

  • ISBN-13:  978-1949472202

  • Category: Suspense | Thriller Fiction

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About Author

Born in St. Genevieve County, Missouri in 1947, the fifth of ten children. Served in the US Army in the mid 1960s. After discharge, at the age of 24, joined the Lincoln Illinois Police Department. Later served as the Logan County State’s Attorney’s Office Investigator and Chief of Police of Mason City, Illinois. During that time frame, tested and acquired an Illinois Private Detective license which still operates under the name of Brewster Investigations. An inclination to put words to paper, a fair amount of law enforcement experience and always active imagination were substantive to “The Road to Floradixie”.


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