D. Hudson Hallow

D. Hudson Hallow had taught for many years before he decided to put his passion for storytelling and writing to a practical purpose. Over the years, seeing how a really good book could help transform his students into fervent readers, he was eventually motivated to start writing down stories of his own; many of them bedtime sagas that he had told his little ones as they fell asleep.
One day at school, he read the first twenty pages of a novel that he was working on to his class, which prompted one of his more avid readers to tell him that he “was now one of his favorite authors”. If he needed any more incentive to finish the book, that compliment was it.
Hallow’s most recent novel, ‘Franklin Hobbs and the Quagmire of Darkness’, was a story that was especially enjoyable for him to imagine and create. He was always eager to see what sort of predicaments his characters would get into, how or if they would thwart the antagonist, and what their interactions with each other would look like. “Sometimes I truly didn’t even know the details about what was going to happen until I sat down and started typing…. I’d say that inventing adventures and ordeals for someone else to go through, that’s my idea of a good time,” D. Hudson Hallow confessed.
Hallow grew up reading J.R.R Tolkien, who he describes as a “brilliant artist…able to develop a fantasy world unlike any other, and somehow make it feel as authentic as real life.” He also credits his favorite novelist, Dean Koontz, the author of many best selling suspense novels, as being his storytelling inspiration. D. Hudson Hallow has taught in Minneapolis, Minnesota for over twenty years and lives in Albertville, a suburb of the Twin Cities, with his wife Jennifer, four children, and two dogs. He loves being a teacher and author, but also revels in his summers off, when he volunteers up at a camp as the boat driver and ski instructor.